Speaker Mapping

What is speaker mapping?

"Speaker mapping" refers to the process of identifying and assigning labels or tags to different speakers in a transcript or recording of a legal proceeding. This is particularly important in situations where multiple individuals are speaking.

In the context of events taken on the Parrot platform, we map speakers to the Zoom account that they are speaking from. With the new script, you (the DR) will be able to tell us up front which Zoom account is which attendee, leading to a more efficient and accurate transcript for our clients.

How does it work?

There are 2 different ways a speaker will be mapped in the new script:

  1. At the beginning of the proceeding, when attendance is being taken: When you are taking attendance at the beginning of the proceeding, for each attendee that is marked present, you will be requested to choose at least one Zoom attendee. The list to choose from is taken from all attendees who have joined the call.
  2. During the proceeding, if there is a new joiner: If there is ever a new joiner after the proceeding has begun, you will see a pop-up notification on your screen. This will prompt you to match the new Zoom attendee to a current attendee on the form, or to create a new attendee on the script.

There will be a Zoom account name for each time someone has entered the call. This means, if someone entered the call, disconnected, the re-entered, you would match 2 Zoom account names to their attendee entry in the form.

Below is an image of speaker mapping at the beginning of the proceeding:

Below is an image of speaker mapping during the proceeding:

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