Attendee Roles

The list below explains all of the Roles that an attendee could be labeled as during an event. Choose the correct role based on the definitions below.

  • Attorney for the Defendant — This is the attorney representing the defendant of the case. The defendant is defending against the claims or allegations made by the opposing party, or plaintiff.
  • Attorney for the Plaintiff — This is the attorney representing the plaintiff of the case. A plaintiff is the party who brings a lawsuit or initiates legal action against another party (the defense).
  • Digital Court Reporter — This is you! The Parrot DR should always be labeled as the Digital Court Reporter.
  • Attorney for the Witness* — This is the attorney that is representing the witness in the event, but does not represent the plaintiff or defendant side. Usually, the attorney for the witness should be labeled as plaintiff or defendant, but sometimes, the witness belongs to neither party. This is the only time when you should use this role in the script.
    • *new! this role is an addition as of March 2024
  • Witness — This is the person who is answering questions during the event. The deponent in depositions.
  • Interpreter — This is a certified interpreter that joins the event to translate if the witness does not speak English.
  • Guardian for the Witness — This is someone who usually appointed by the court to protect the interests and well-being of a witness, particularly if the witness is a minor or lacks the capacity to fully understand the proceedings or communicate effectively.
  • Other — This role can be used for any other attendees during the event. Sometimes this is an associate attorney observing, or anyone else that has been authorized to attend.
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