
  • The start time has passed and the investigator/attorney has not yet appeared:
    • Call or text Event Support at (213) 376-3480 so they can contact the client. Event Support will let you know how to proceed.
  • Interpreter is missing and required:
    • Call or text Event Support at (213) 376-3480 so they can follow up with the interpreter. Event Support will let you know how to proceed.
  • Interpreter was not booked but needed:
    • Advise the client that there was no interpreter booked for the event, and then let them know that Parrot can try and book an interpreter for them.
      • Ask the attendees how long they are able to wait for an interpreter.
      • Call or text Event Support at (213) 376-3480 so they can try to book an interpreter.
      • Keep the client posted on updates you receive from Event Support.
      • Depending on the status of the interpreter, the client and other parties can decide to wait for the interpreter or reschedule for a later date. 
    • Note: The interpreter for the event must be certified. Event if someone else present is able to interpret, they are not able to do so, unless they are certified to interpret for legal proceedings.
  • Witness is present but does not have video:
    • Ask the counsel if they would like to proceed.
    • If they do NOT agree to proceed:
      • Confirm with the client if they would like to get a CNA or if it needs to be rescheduled. At the counsel’s request, you may issue a CNA if the witness appears but cannot identify themselves. 
    • If they agree to proceed without the witness’ video:
      1. Ask the counsel to stipulate to the witness proceeding without video: “Do both sides stipulate to continuing with this proceeding with the witness’s camera off?”
      2. Select that the witness does not have an ID on the script and read the No ID stipulation.
      3. When you ask the witness to raise their right hand, get verbal confirmation that they have raised their right hand before proceeding to swear them in.
  • Witness leaves the call:
    • Ask the attorneys how they would like to proceed and follow their lead.
  • An unauthorized attendee appears in the call:
    • Every participant and attendee must be identified and their presence must be confirmed as authorized, even if the proceedings have to be interrupted.

      Unauthorized persons should be asked to leave or be removed from the call. If they are in the same room as an authorized attendee, kindly suggest that the authorized attendee find a private location. You should go off the record to address this and go back on the record once resolved. 

  • There is an observer on an event:
    • If someone has been identified as an observer, note the name and confirm that they will not be speaking. Add the note to the "Notes" section.
    • Add them as an attendee under "Other." You do not need to record their email.
  • The witness or attorney objects to the witness ID being read on the record:
    • The ID can be confirmed off the record; confirm that both parties would like to proceed with this method.
    • If on the record, read off the record, confirm the witness ID and then read back on the record.
    • Once on the record, state that you saw the ID. If the ID was presented to the investigator/attorney confirm on the record that they reviewed the ID and are satisfied.
    • Swear in the witness.
    • Notate the objection in your Notes.
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