Managing an Interpreter/Guardian
When an interpreter is present for an event, the script will walk you through the appropriate actions. You will need to:
- Record Attendance: Mark the attendee as the "Interpreter" role in the Attendance.
- Swear in the Interpreter: The interpreter must be sworn in before the witness.
Additionally you will need to adhere to these rules:
- Manage Crosstalk: Only one person should be talking at any time.
- Consistent Language: If the witness has some understanding of English and is answering questions before the interpreter can translate, advise the witness to allow the interpreter to translate for them.
- Word translations: If a word can not be translated into English, ask the interpreter for the spelling of the non-English word for clear transcription production.
- Transcription: All words spoken in a language other than English will not be transcribed
- Speaking to the witness: The interpreter is the only person on the call permitted to speak to the witness in any language other than English.
- Certification: An interpreter must be certified to service a legal proceeding.
- If it comes to light an interpreter is not certified, contact Event Support.
When a
guardian is present for an event, the script will walk you through the appropriate actions. You will need to:
- Record Attendance: Mark the attendee as the "Guardian" role in Attendance.
- Record Guardian ID: You will be prompted to ask the guardian for their ID. Log the ID type and number in the script.
- No Swearing In: A guardian is not sworn in, however you will be prompted in the script to ask for consent from the guardian.
Emergency Script
If you are using the
emergency script because of technical issues, follow the linked document, which will also take you through the actions above