[archived] Hearings

Hearings are no longer part of the event types that Parrot offers.

Hearings are the formal examination of a cause, civil or criminal, before a judge, in accordance with the laws of a particular jurisdiction. The difference between hearings and Depositions/EUOs is that a judge is present, and the Digital Reporter is not asked to ask or say any parts of the traditional script.

Before the hearing:

  1. Navigate to the event on your calendar and review the notice. You will be using a one-page script, instead of the multi-page script you usually use.
  2. Join the link 15 minutes prior to the event start time on a computer (you must use a PC or a Mac, phones and Chromebooks are not compatible). You will be added to the waiting room for the event.
    1. Unlike other events, hearings are conducted on external Zoom links, so you must be let in by the host.
    2. Note: Sometimes hearings may start later than the scheduled start time. If you are in the waiting room past the start time, please let our support team know.
  3. Set up your backup recording device. This is to be done on your computer, with your computer's recording software. We ask you to record the hearing separately on your device in the event that the recording fails. Please see the articles below for how to record the proceeding.
    1. Click here if you have a Mac
    2. Click here if you have a PC
    3. NOTE: You must not use headphones while recording. You need to have your computer speakers playing the sound. Reach out to digitalreporters@parrothq.com at least 48 hours before a hearing if this is not possible for you.
  4. Once you are admitted to the room, start recording using your computer’s software.
  5. Immediately confirm the Parrot CR - Backup Device has been admitted as a participant as well.
    1. If the device has not been admitted, let the host know that your backup device needs to be let in to the Zoom call.
  6. Start the recording.
  7. Rename yourself in Zoom as "Name - Digital Court Reporter."
  8. If asked to introduce yourself, turn on your camera and then you can say: "This is <Name> from Parrot Court Reporting Company."
  9. Using the notice, take attendance to the best of your ability. Do not interrupt and ask attendees to introduce themselves; simply try your best given the notice and the conversations.
  10. Take notes as usual, and include when your case is called and dismissed. Try to include the names of the speakers to the best of your ability.

Text or Call Event Support immediately if you have any issues joining or recording the event.

Troubleshooting in event:

  • What is the waiting room?
    • The waiting room is a screen on Zoom you will see before the host allows you in the meeting. It looks like this:
  • How do I know if the CR backup device is in the waiting room?
    • You should be able to see it in the "Waiting room" list under participants. You might see the pop up when it joins the waiting room, or you will see it under the Participants tab.

  • The Parrot - CR Backup Device wasn't admitted. How do I get it in the room?
    • If the device is in the waiting room, ask the host to let it in and explain it is your backup recording device.
    • If the device is not in the waiting room, inform Event Support immediately.
  • The host let the device in, but then it got kicked out again. What do I do?
    • If the proceeding has started, and you're not able to ask to let the device in in the meeting, immediately call the Judicial Assistant (JA) to tell them to let the device back in. You will receive their phone number in an additional hearing-specific text.
    • After contacting the JA, let event support know the device was not in part of the meeting. Give them the details of the times it was not in and anything else you feel is relevant.

Unlike other proceedings with us, you do not need to:

  • Announce the beginning or end of the proceedings or on and off record time
  • Ask the parties to introduce themselves
  • Swear the witness in
  • Ask about read/waive
  • Ask if the parties will be ordering a transcript

After the hearing:

  1. You can exit the call after the judge has dismissed the hearing associate with the case. If you are unsure if you’re free to go, reach out to Event Support to confirm.
  2. Close out the event form by clicking the Submit button.
  3. Rename your recording as "<Hearing name> <Your name> MM-DD-YYYY"
  4. Upload your backup recording at this link.
  5. After confirming upload, delete the recording from your computer.
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