In-Event Handoffs

Handoffs happen in events when the event has gone long or the DR is having technical issues and cannot service the event. If you find this is happening:

  1. Let Event Support know (via text or call) as soon as possible if it looks like the event is going over and you cannot stay past the scheduled time. The more in advance they know, the more efficient the hand off will be.
  2. Event Support will let you know the status of finding someone to replace you. They may ask you to stay on the call until a certain point and let them know if the call is still ongoing at that time.
    1. Example: You are on a Deposition that is scheduled 12:30-2:30pm. You text EO at 1:45pm to let them know it looks like it may go over. They instruct you to stay on the call and reach back out to them at 2:20pm if the Depo is still ongoing.
  3. Once the new DR has joined the call, go off the record to make the reporter transition. Label this timestamp as "DR switch" in the Event Form
  4. Save all of your notes so far in the DR feedback notes section. [If needed (spellings need to be confirmed, etc), you may DIRECT MESSAGE your notes to the DR in the Zoom chat.]
  5. Make the new DR the host of the meeting.
  6. You may leave the call, and the new DR will bring everyone back on record.

You will be compensated for the time you spent on the event before the handoff.

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